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  • 80s Churcg: Correlation and Facts About “Talk Talk” by Talk Talk:

80s Churcg: Correlation and Facts About “Talk Talk” by Talk Talk:

Correlation and Facts About “Talk Talk” by Talk Talk:

Hello 80s church members.

Correlation and Facts About “Talk Talk” by Talk Talk:

🎵 The scripture from James advises being “quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger,” emphasizing the value of listening and the dangers of hasty speech and anger. This aligns closely with the theme of “Talk Talk,” a song released by the band Talk Talk in 1982 as part of their debut album “The Party’s Over.” The song, echoing New Wave and synth-pop elements prevalent in the 80s, deals with themes of communication and the empty nature of talking without meaningful action or listening. The repetitive use of the phrase “talk talk” in the lyrics highlights the futility of words when they’re not accompanied by understanding or genuine communication. 🎵

Additional Insight:

The lyrics, “You shout until they’re gone, then you walk home alone,” suggest that technology is making people more isolated and disconnected from one another. The song’s lyrics convey a sense of frustration with the increasing reliance on technology and the disintegration of intimate human connections. 📱🏠💔

Song Reflection:

Now, let's take a moment to reflect on the message of "Talk Talk," considering the impact of technology on our connections with others. 🤖🤝

Devotional: The Power of Listening and Thoughtful Words

Scripture: James 1:19 (NIV)

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."

In our fast-paced and noisy world, communication often feels like a race, with everyone vying to be heard. We are bombarded with words from all directions, but are we truly listening? Are we practicing the wisdom of being "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry"? 🗣️👂

The song "Talk Talk" by the band Talk Talk, released in 1982, echoes the same sentiment. It reminds us that words alone, without understanding or genuine communication, are empty and meaningless. The repetitive phrase "talk talk" serves as a stark reminder of the futility of chatter without substance. 🗨️🚫

In the book of James, we find guidance that reinforces the importance of meaningful communication. James advises us to be quick to listen, suggesting that listening is an active and intentional act. It requires not only hearing words but also seeking to understand the heart and intentions behind them. 📖❤️

Being slow to speak encourages us to pause and consider our words carefully. It calls for thoughtful speech, free from impulsiveness or the need to dominate conversations. Slow to become angry reminds us to manage our emotions and avoid reacting rashly. 😌🤐

Our takeaway from both James and "Talk Talk" is clear: the power of listening and thoughtful words cannot be overstated. When we listen with intent, we connect on a deeper level with others. When we speak thoughtfully, we honor our words and the impact they can have. 🤝🤲

Today, let's make a conscious effort to apply these principles in our lives. Pause and truly listen when someone speaks to you, seeking to understand their perspective. Consider your words before you speak, and choose them with care. And when faced with anger or conflict, respond with patience and grace. 🙏🤗

As we strive to embody the wisdom of James, the message of "Talk Talk," and the insight on technology's impact, we can foster healthier relationships, build bridges of understanding, and create a world where words hold true meaning. 🌍🗣️


Heavenly Father, help us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Grant us the wisdom to use our words thoughtfully and the patience to truly understand one another. May our communication be filled with love, empathy, and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. 🙏🌟


  1. - Are there times in your life when you rushed to speak without truly listening? How might those situations have been different if you had followed James' advice?

  2. - Think of a recent conversation where you practiced active listening. How did it enhance your understanding of the other person's perspective?

  3. - Consider the impact of thoughtful and measured words in your relationships. How can you continue to use your words to build bridges and promote understanding? 🤝💬

i know we haven not been sending this out every week. but we are back on track.

Hope you are awesome

John ans MIchelle Heffron


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